Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tiwa Savage Pretty In Pink As She Cautions Young Ugandan Students On Unsafe Abortions

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Tiwa Savage is still in Uganda and she looked absolutely pretty in pink while delivering an inspirational message about unsafe abortions to young students at Mariam High School in Kampala, as part of a one week campaign to create awareness on teenage pregnancy. She spoke to the students and advised them to shun unproductive lifestyles that deter them from achieving their potential.

According to Reach a Hand Foundation in Uganda – one of the hosts of the 1 week campaign – every year about 3 million girls aged 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions, and that is why they felt a need to touch on the subject with young girls through a cultural icon they can connect with. They said Tiwa Savage’s visit to Mariam High School was fun and yet informative. See photos below...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mom and Son She Had At 13 Years Receive PhD On The Same Day

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What an outstanding achievement. A Georgia mom, Vickie McBride and her son, Maurice McBride, who she had at the young age of 13, both received their PhDs on the same day and from the same school.

At th beginning of their journey, the former teenage mom thought that goal was impossible, saying;

"I had to figure out how to work and how to parent and how to manage school all at the same time."

Dr. Vickie McBride's mother, a retired teacher, helped out with little Maurice while she went back to school after her son was born. Her now grown up son, Dr. Maurice McBride, is justifiably proud of his mom.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Teenage Girls Trade Sex for Mobile Phones in Sierra Leone – Study Reveals

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Teenage girls in Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown are selling their bodies to buy mobile phones, putting them at increased risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, says a study by Save the Children. According to the report by Thomson Reuters Foundation, the desire to own fashionable mobile devices is a key driver of childhood “transactional sex” in Sierra Leone.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ireti Doyle Speaks on Motherhood and Parenting

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Ireti Doyle is an actress, a television producer and presenter, as well as a wife and mother. While reading her interview on the BN Weekend Celebrity, I was reminded of the post on Eya's blog where a woman wanted help in parenting her teenage daughter. A lot of very helpful comments came in, basically saying the same things, know your daughter and become a friend as well as a mother.

Ireti Doyle got pregnant as teenager, and had some problems with her mother not understanding her and vice versa. Now she is the mother of a 26years old lady and 4 other children. I found her interview very honest and indepth on how women can combine a career and motherhood - with help and acceptance of what you're trading - as well as on cultivating a relationship with your children, and being a parent at the same time.

How do you combine your duties as a mother with the demands of your job effectively?
It’s not easy, every working woman knows that. Sometimes you have to sacrifice and sacrifice comes both ways. Sometimes you have to pass things up, sometimes your family has to come to terms with the fact that they won’t see you for a bit. But the first ingredient for a balanced life is grace. And secondly, I am fortunate to have a fantastic team where each member knows what they are supposed to do and thankfully, they do it well.

Tell me about this team
They are not too many. I have my housekeeper who also doubles as a baby sitter when I need one. I have my Personal Assistant, she’s been with me for years. And I have one or two other people that I can call on short notice. Motherhood is basically being on hand to attend to your child’s needs and I can’t be in two places at the same time but I try and build my career around my family. Fortunately acting is not as rigid as an office job could be. Once in a while you might miss important moments but you just have to balance it out and fortunately I’ve been able to do that well.